Leaders Of Tomorrow Program
+Conference Sessions
Investing in today’s talent to nurture tomorrow’s leaders
This year, the popular Leaders of Tomorrow Program returns to further promote greater dialogue between corporations and their potential leaders of tomorrow whilst highlighting the social and economic benefits that the LNG and gas industry brings to the local area.
With a proud track record of bringing an international and pan-regional audience from the LNG and gas community to explore opportunities and synergies that exist in the Americas region, this year we have partnered with local universities and LNG and gas companies to ensure both the outreach and opportunities are available to a large portion of students looking to move into careers within the energy space.
Students will be invited to submit and the shortlisted essay writers will be invited to attend the Summit, including an exclusive breakfast on October 21 where they will meet with senior leaders.
Meet the 2024 winners: Seth James, Alejandra Garza, Ashby Todd, Darcy Lavergne, Anh Nguyen, and Jacques Leger. Congratulations!

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